Thursday, March 4, 2010

after thoughts after the prev post...

was thinking about what i blogged in the prev post and thought i should clarify certain things (even if it is just for my benefit)...

the issues that i have set up against each other was unnecessary. every theme is linked perfectly and it is my way of thinking that separated them:

sin is a big issue. sin was what caused a separation between God and us. but the way I commonly define sin has been rather narrow. if i consider further, oppression, income inequality, corruption, injustice are all the effects of sin as Man becomes self-centered and disregard others. The call to repentance would bear fruit in terms of turning away from injust acts or ignorance and take up action against these social issues.

The Kingdom of God, defined simply, is about God's rule (in our minds and our hearts now, which will manifest itself in the way we engage the world and His physical rule in the future 1000year kingdom and after that... eternity under His control and care). because of sin, Man refuses to submit to God's authority and chooses to rule our own lives and build our own 'kingdoms'. Repentance means submission.

Love is a choice to do what is best for the other party. God demonstrated it through the cross. Yet it is precisely God's love that He doesn't want us to remain where we are. God's love and grace should prompt us towards repentance. if we choose to harden our hearts, we face judgment from a holy and just God.

so that's that... regards with gospel sharing.. i acknowledge first that it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. perhaps in that light, we should just preach and don't think so much. but in general, the gospel relates to each individual slightly differently. if u have hear testimonies of how ppl come to Christ, you would notice each one is different. in the gospels, Jesus did not preach a standard 5Cs or 4 spiritual laws to everyone. to the pharisees and sadducees, He talked theology with them and was harsh on them because they need to wake up from their hypocrisy. To His disciples, it was simply come and follow me. to a paralytic, He says your sins are forgiven. to the woman at the well, He talked about living water. to some He shared in parables. Jesus, in His wisdom, related His good news in a way that His audience best understood it.

in our way of sharing His good news. do we understand the gospel enough so that we can help our friends relate to His message? or do we just share a theoretical formula that is so alien to our lives. it is like a physics teacher who only tell you the formulae but don't show u examples on how the formulae work. that being said, we don't change the gospel msg nor deliberately avoid certain truths out.

it is still a topic i need more time to think through. but perhaps this is simply the beauty of it - that I might not know the best way to share the gospel, but I get to see how God used me to bring people to Him.. so praise God and continue to be faithful =)

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