Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The School Term Begins...

it's the first week of school but somehow the feeling isn't the same as NUS. In NUS, the first 2 weeks are a honeymoon period as there are lectures only. Here in UH, the classes start full swing and there are no tutorials. i am feeling a bit tired even though I have yet to taste the full workload that is to come.

Modules I am taking:
1) Particle Physics (my level 4 physics module)
2) Electricity & Magnetism 2 (level 3 equivalent)
3) Computational Physics
4) Science of the Sea
5) Hawaiian Studies - Hawaii: Center of the Pacific

perhaps the cause of my tiredness mainly came form Computational Physics. I planned it to be an easy module but it turns out to be a nightmare for me. With zero background knowledge about programming, I have to learn C programming and submit my first assignment by next wednesday! Reading the programming textbook takes me ages and I'm not sure exactly how to practice it on my macbook yet.

other than that, Science of the Sea and Hawaiian studies are something to look forward to each week. Science of the Sea covers all the cool scientific aspects about Hawaii and its ocean life while Hawaiian studies covers an overview about the culture, history and language of the Hawaiians. these are things i wouldn't be able to get if I'm just a tourist... gonna love it! =)

it's the beginning of the semester and i find my "over-achieving monster" trying to surface most of the time and cause me to want to do everything. i want to learn so many things, experience so many things, do so many things. it can cause me to lose sight of what i really want to gain from this exchange experience. indeed the opportunities are many. how i strategically place myself and use my time becomes  very crucial in daily decisions. I am learning to seek God in my decisions because it is easy to think "I only got this chance to be here, so I must make the most of it." I need to remember that gaining the whole world has no value if I lose myself at the end. I need directions. I need to slow down again....

This should be an adventure with God, my gentle walk with Him. I should not try to venture by myself and dash ahead of Him. It is a walk....

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